Every time a child sees a playground their faces light up and ask “Mom, can I play on the playground?”
Playgrounds are everywhere, the park, schools, daycare centers, backyards, outside fast food restaurants… when you’re with a child they will point out everyone they see and you may be amazed at how many are in your area.
Playground Safety Concerns
It is only natural for parents and caregiver to be concerned for their child’s safety, especially on the playground where 80% of injuries are caused by falls to the ground.
Some caregivers are given the nickname of “helicopter parent” as they hover over their children to make sure these injuries don’t occur.
Kids can be clumsy and some are prone to trips, falls, scraped knees and elbows, even broken bones.
The surface of a playground plays a big role in the probability of a child being hurt.
Concrete, grass, and dirt surfaces are too hard and can scream disaster.
A softer surface is much more desirable.
For ultimate protection, rubber mats are superior to common materials used on playground surfaces such as wood chips, bark, and gravel.
The surface area under playground equipment should be soft enough and thick enough to soften the impact of a child’s fall, rubber mats fit the bill.
Rubber mats allow the best access for wheelchairs and strollers, are durable, provide a non-slip surface and are essentially maintenance free.
They are also suitable for all weather, extreme temperatures and resists wind uplift.
Rubber Safe Playgrounds makes rubber mats from 100% recycled rubber and are two inches thick making your child feel like they are playing on a “mattress” according to one of their reviews.
Contact Rubber Safe Playgrounds, and let our professional team assist you with any questions you may have.