One of the most important aspects of owning a daycare center or running a school is finding safe playing surfaces for the children entrusted in your care. Even more optimal is finding a surface that is not only safe, but is also easy to preserve, appealing to the eye and built to last, making it a terrific long-term investment.
Fortunately, there is an economical surface solution available that meets all of those criterion, and is sure to exceed expectations. A rubber mulch playground from Rubber Safe Playgrounds LLC offers all of the aforementioned benefits, and can be a tremendous asset to your playground for years to come. We install playground surfaces made from recycled tires in playgrounds across the Midwest, including in Wisconsin. Our surfaces are available in an array of colors, and we will tailor it to fit the specific dimensions of your space.
We offer free quotes if you would like to inquire about the cost, so please contact us or fill out the form on our quote page.