It’s a great thing when a non-profit organization decides to give back to its community. Whether it’s a new building or something as a simple as a new playground, anything they do to help improve their community is a very admirable gesture.
If they make something like a new playground, it’s important they build it right because if it’s not safe, it will reflect poorly on them and will end up being a wasted effort.
That’s why it would be smart to use shredded rubber mulch to help keep the playground users safe.
Your Community Will Thank You
One of the biggest reasons to choose shredded rubber mulch is because its lifespan is so long it will pay for itself. You can leave whatever group you’re giving it to the peace of mind knowing that they won’t have to replace it year after year.
This product is also very low maintenance as the rubber mulch will not blow away in the wind nor will it attract any sort of odor that will deter kids from playing on it.
Now the fact that this rubber mulch lasts as long as it does may make it seem like a breeding ground for germs, but that actually is not true because it cleans itself in the rain, not allowing any buildup of bacteria. It will also eliminate any scrapes, scratches or splinters if anybody were to fall onto it.
Rubber Safe Playgrounds offers superior shredded rubber mulch perfect for any playground. Let our mulch make sure the kids have a fun and safe time while on the playground. If you would like more information on our shredded rubber mulch, feel free to contact us today!